Conservation Zone Review

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Planning Proposal BSCPP 21/004

Ballina Local Environmental Plan 2012

Council has prepared a planning proposal to amend the Ballina Local Environmental Plan (LEP) 2012 to include certain land previously deferred from the Ballina LEP 2012 by applying appropriate zones, including conservation zones, in accordance with the NSW Government's requirements.

The planning proposal also seeks to amend clause 41(2) of the Ballina LEP 1987 by reducing the maximum period for which land can be used for a temporary use from 52 days to 14 days, consistent with the temporary use provisions contained within the Ballina LEP 2012.

Council has developed a new method for applying Conservation zones and has reviewed all deferred matter land in the shire (other than the deferred land zoned as environmental protection under the Ballina LEP 1987) and created draft zone maps.

All landowners whose properties are affected by a proposed zoning change were contacted directly via letter. Affected landowners are invited to speak to Council officers about the proposed changes on their property and to provide feedback. At the close of the exhibition period more than 200 face to face meeting with landowners had been held.

To help affected landowners and the community to understand the process, and what a C zone may mean for you, please read the information provided on the right of this screen which includes the draft zone maps, Council's methodology report, planning proposal, fact sheets and frequently asked questions.

A link to Council's online mapping tool is also provided, where you can view proposed changes to other map layers.

Persons making a submission may need to disclose political donations/gifts provided to a Councillor or Council employee. Significant penalties apply for non-disclosure. For further information visit the NSW Department of Planning and Environment's website

Submissions closed 31 March 2023.

Planning Proposal BSCPP 21/004

Ballina Local Environmental Plan 2012

Council has prepared a planning proposal to amend the Ballina Local Environmental Plan (LEP) 2012 to include certain land previously deferred from the Ballina LEP 2012 by applying appropriate zones, including conservation zones, in accordance with the NSW Government's requirements.

The planning proposal also seeks to amend clause 41(2) of the Ballina LEP 1987 by reducing the maximum period for which land can be used for a temporary use from 52 days to 14 days, consistent with the temporary use provisions contained within the Ballina LEP 2012.

Council has developed a new method for applying Conservation zones and has reviewed all deferred matter land in the shire (other than the deferred land zoned as environmental protection under the Ballina LEP 1987) and created draft zone maps.

All landowners whose properties are affected by a proposed zoning change were contacted directly via letter. Affected landowners are invited to speak to Council officers about the proposed changes on their property and to provide feedback. At the close of the exhibition period more than 200 face to face meeting with landowners had been held.

To help affected landowners and the community to understand the process, and what a C zone may mean for you, please read the information provided on the right of this screen which includes the draft zone maps, Council's methodology report, planning proposal, fact sheets and frequently asked questions.

A link to Council's online mapping tool is also provided, where you can view proposed changes to other map layers.

Persons making a submission may need to disclose political donations/gifts provided to a Councillor or Council employee. Significant penalties apply for non-disclosure. For further information visit the NSW Department of Planning and Environment's website

Submissions closed 31 March 2023.